Team Thiessen
Our life is a roller coaster ride: full of ups and downs; exciting and unexpected turns some times surprise us but so far it's been one awesome ride and neither of us is getting off any time soon!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Yes, we are still around. I've played with some other ways to set up a blog and finally realized this site is just the most convenient; so we're sticking with it! For some reason my Google Chrome keeps shutting down when I try to upload a picture so I will have to play with that and figure out why. Then I will get pictures up... I want us to stay connected with our family and friends afar and since I am now doing online classes and spend oodles of time on the computer, there's no excuse! Now let me figure out what's going on with my photo uploader and I'll try to get a picture up tonight. No promises. ;-)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Settling in...
Dear Family and Friends who still check into this blog:
I am so sorry I haven't kept up with this blog. Things have been hectic with moving and getting settled in to our new rental house. But, we're finally getting all unpacked and hopefully within the next couple weeks I'll be able to get caught up on here.
T is doing very well. We had his 9 month check up last week and everything looked great. We got a new "lotion" for the eczema that isn't being helped by living in a dry environment; unfortunately we still have a very itchy baby. Other than that he's developing well. He wants to stand all the time and has started creeping along furniture, but he often wants to get to something quickly before we pull it away from him so he'll get on all fours and crawl as fast as possible...which is insanely fast as far as we're concerned!
Again, I'm sorry for the lack of updates and I thank you for continuing to check in on us!
I am so sorry I haven't kept up with this blog. Things have been hectic with moving and getting settled in to our new rental house. But, we're finally getting all unpacked and hopefully within the next couple weeks I'll be able to get caught up on here.
T is doing very well. We had his 9 month check up last week and everything looked great. We got a new "lotion" for the eczema that isn't being helped by living in a dry environment; unfortunately we still have a very itchy baby. Other than that he's developing well. He wants to stand all the time and has started creeping along furniture, but he often wants to get to something quickly before we pull it away from him so he'll get on all fours and crawl as fast as possible...which is insanely fast as far as we're concerned!
Again, I'm sorry for the lack of updates and I thank you for continuing to check in on us!
Monday, March 15, 2010
A few "Month 3" shots...
Just a few shots I got before we left for VA...
Trying some baby cereal...I know it was a little early but I decided my big boy was hungrier and he wasn't pushing the food or spoon out (clearly!)...and maybe I was desperate for him to start sleeping better. The cereal didn't catch on for a couple weeks. He stayed interested, he just didn't seem to like the taste much after a couple of bites.
T got to meet his Uncle Andrew!
D's new hobby...
D's custom made surfboard made by WaveWeapons
One of the few times I actually could snap a picture of D, knowing it was him I was taking a picture of!
In order to be spending time together those first few days back before heading off to Virginia we did a lot of beach trips so D could practice surfing... T and I made the most of it. He loves the beach I found out which is awesome since D and I have always loved the beach...but I definitely learned that going to the beach with a baby in tow is a completely different experience from our "Grab a couple towels and a book and hit the sand" days!! (And maybe I should add that I learned going to the beach with a baby you're responsible for is a new experience...I have definitely been to the beach with my nieces when they were babies...I just didn't have to be the one responsible for them!)
Of course, a beautiful sunset always makes the beach trips so worth it! :-)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Daddy Time!
With Dave's return, T and I found ourselves at the beach, a lot! Dave came back with a desire to take up surfing. He said after months of being surrounded by dirt and sand, he wanted to be surrounded by water. We didn't mind so much since all that mattered to us was spending time together as a family!

Dave calming T down while we were grabbing lunch at one of our favorite Oceanside cafes. Dave quickly discovered that by singing to T, he'd calm down almost instantly (for Dave). I think it must of been here where T's love of a certain favorite song of Dave's began...
At Torrey Pines State Beach
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