Our life is a roller coaster ride: full of ups and downs; exciting and unexpected turns some times surprise us but so far it's been one awesome ride and neither of us is getting off any time soon!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Third Trimester...no really, it's here already!
Insert frantic scream of panic here.
No really. Yesterday I thought I had all the time in the world to finish up the final details of T's room. I had all the time in the world to finish getting the house totally clean and organized. Today, some crazy new panic has drifted over me and it hit me that the last few months have flown by and time has suddenly sped up...I don't have that much time left.
I was getting ready to go take my diabetes test and looked around my bathroom and thought "Oh no! What if something happens and he comes earlier and I have to send someone to my house to get personal stuff?? I don't want anyone to be in here or see my house like this!! They wouldn't be able to find important documents, etc. etc." I know it seems silly but honestly, if something were to happen between now and my MIL arriving, I'd have to send one of my friends and neighbors in the house to get me stuff and I would just die if they saw certain areas of my house!! It's not a pig-sty but not presentable in a way that D and I would feel comfortable with.
Oh and I haven't washed anything of T's yet...I put sheets on his mattress but I mean, that was because I was so excited to see it all put together. I haven't washed them yet, or any of the clothes yet.... I'm pretty sure that's something you're supposed to do before the baby uses them.
Ok...I'll relax. A little. Deep breath.
In other news I took the diabetes test today and it went alright. I was blessed with a great lab tech so I hardly felt the needle and he got all he needed within seconds it seemed. I should have gotten his name, then I could have requested him the next time I have to give blood for testing. Anyway, while I was there there were 5 other women who came in for the same test and judging by their conversations (they all seemed to have brought a friend...did I miss a memo or something? I didn't realize you brought a girlfriend with you to testing!) anyhoo judging by their conversations they were all within 26-29 weeks as well. And they ALL had smaller bellies than I do. ALL of them. I'm not being paranoid, it was as plain as day. The only ones I didn't glare at were the ones who were rediculously taller than I am. The others I just silently growled at.
Oh well, he's going to be a big baby - D is a foot taller than me, after all.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Washington...the state this time!
Seattle and Mt. Rainier. I was trying all weekend to get a good picture of the active volcano...that's not so active...thankfully!
YUMMO!! ha ha ha ha this fish stand was crazy fun!
Our very funny "helper" just threw our crab to the dude in the back who's nonchalantly walking by with his hand out...and dude in the back totally caught it without any problem! Then our very funny "helper" turns and says, "Okay, I've got to go meet my parole officer! Have a great night!" S and I figured it was totally possible he was telling the truth!!!
So like I said, I had a great weekend and I can't wait to go back with D and visit the area some more. Maybe check out some of the mountain trails or even venture into Canada. I finally got the "money shot" picture of Mt. Rainier when I was leaving Seattle and it dawned on me that we'd be flying right over the mountain! Sadly my camera was stowed away out of reach, but I had my cell phone and thankfully the picture came out pretty well! It definitely ended my trip on a very happy note.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Picture Update
Before D left I'd gotten into this great routine of keeping the kitchen clean...for almost two weeks straight and I was so proud of myself. Now, it's a constant battle and it makes no sense! There's ONE of me and I caved and got paper plates and cups. Yes, I'm that lazy. Of course there are times when I still have to use the real stuff and then those pile up...oh it's just so sad. I stare at it and just want the Bewitched powers of a twitchy nose so it'll all disapear instantly.
It's not just the kitchen though. I wander from room to room starting on cleaning and then getting distracted by invites for walks or other outings which are so much more fun than staying in the house alone cleaning. By the time I get home, I'm too tired to do it and then it's one more day of mess piled on top of what's already there. AAAAAACCCCHHHHH!
So I'm trying to get it into a kind of order before I leave this weekend. Maybe not spick and span like I'd like it to be, but just in order. So when I come home Monday mid-day I can anticipate dog mess but not human mess. ;-)
*Sigh* The sad frustrations of a bored, missing-her-husband, pregnant woman.
I know, I know...so many other people in this world have such bigger problems on hand. I should feel lucky.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
So much to do...
All in all I've been more energetic than the first trimester, however, now I have physical boundries; i.e. weight my body (feet) has never experienced before, swelling that's so foreign it freaks me out, hip and back pain, etc, etc... I know, I know, I'm not saying anything new to anyone who's been pregnant. I really do consciously try not to whine too much but sometimes it's just so bizarre to me, I can't help it!
The garage sale on Saturday went alright. We didn't have too many people show up, but I did make at least $40-$50. Woo hoo!! And hopefully another $50 for a patio umbrella we haven't used for over a year. We're going to put out our stuff again this coming Saturday since we noticed another bunch of families are going to have a garage sale in the neighborhood.
My body took half a day of recovery though, before I could stand long enough to clean my kitchen so my "All Day Clean House Day" was a total bust. I'm just going to have to spread it out over the week. I did manage to take a walk with S though and while I slowed her pace down and could only make it around the loop once, at least I got out there and did it. OH yeah, I've accepted the waddle...it's only going to get worse so I might as well accept it now.
:-) I got a call from D this morning so that put me in a better mood, and I'm heading down to San Diego to visit IKEA and the Container Store this afternoon with a couple friends. I made a list (something I've gotten a lot better at in the past week!) so I'm not just going blindly - if I were, there's no telling how much needless money would get spent! S C A R Y!