Our life is a roller coaster ride: full of ups and downs; exciting and unexpected turns some times surprise us but so far it's been one awesome ride and neither of us is getting off any time soon!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Settling in...
I am so sorry I haven't kept up with this blog. Things have been hectic with moving and getting settled in to our new rental house. But, we're finally getting all unpacked and hopefully within the next couple weeks I'll be able to get caught up on here.
T is doing very well. We had his 9 month check up last week and everything looked great. We got a new "lotion" for the eczema that isn't being helped by living in a dry environment; unfortunately we still have a very itchy baby. Other than that he's developing well. He wants to stand all the time and has started creeping along furniture, but he often wants to get to something quickly before we pull it away from him so he'll get on all fours and crawl as fast as possible...which is insanely fast as far as we're concerned!
Again, I'm sorry for the lack of updates and I thank you for continuing to check in on us!
Monday, March 15, 2010
A few "Month 3" shots...
D's new hobby...
Of course, a beautiful sunset always makes the beach trips so worth it! :-)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Daddy Time!
Tarleton's Photo Shoot
Monday, February 8, 2010
Welcome Home Daddy!
October 2008 at a wive's meeting when we were discussing squadron gifts for new moms, I made this comment that it would be cute to have little flight suits for the babies. I added that if I could find a flight suit I'd bring my child home from the hospital in it...little did I know that a couple weeks later I'd be pregnant. I did not bring my son home in a flight suit but I decided it would be more fitting for him to wear one when his Daddy came home. ;-) A great neighbor of mine even had a real name tape made just for T! Our sign. Yes, I bought $75 worth of beer, and yes, I did go buy $10 worth of tacos THAT morning for my husband...at 8 a.m. ;-) But who could think of Beer or tacos when all we cared about was this moment...
Meeting his Lela & Pop Pop!
Just before T turned 2 months old, I took a trip back home to South Carolina to introduce him to his Lela and Pop Pop and the rest of my family. I was very nervous about flying with him so early but excited to be making the trip... T did a fantastic job on the flights. We took a red-eye for the first one and it worked out really well for me to get a couple hours of shut-eye while he slept. The take offs and landings didn't seem to affect him at all! I think on the very last flight coming into San Diego the descent finally affected him. I was so proud that I didn't have "that child" on the plane! ;-)
I arrived to SC just in time for my brother and BL's baby shower for daughter #3! They knew I was coming but my nieces didn't and I love surprising them when I come into town! We only stayed a week and I wish we could have stayed longer. I loved being "home" and sharing T with everyone.
Unfortunately we ended up in the emergency room with the little guy since we woke up Monday morning (we'd arrived on a Saturday) and he had a raging fever. Turns out he had bronchiolitis and an infiltrate of pneumonia. :-( How's that for your first "vacation"? It was a good thing we were only intending on visiting with family since we were stuck indoors for 90% of the week after that diagnosis. It was awful having to experience my sweet baby so sick for the first time but I was thankful that I had such experienced, helpful hands around.
Here are some of the snapshots from our week. I tried to take so many while we were there and I wish I could post them all but I think it might be overwhelming!