Ok, I'll be honest. I had this very long, very detailed post ready to finish, add pictures, etc. (that I started to write almost two months ago!!) but I've decided to wipe the slate clean and just post a bunch of pictures. :-) If you really want all the details, email me and I'll be happy to fill you in with what happened over the span of 52 hours...

Last day before labor began...
The ONLY picture of me in labor before going to the hospital. (For anyone preggers reading this...this position did nothing for me, but feel free to try it, maybe it'll help you!)

There he is! He was actually pretty quiet and I remember thinking, "Why isn't he crying, I don't hear him crying..."

G cutting T's cord for D...
A very happy (and weepy) new Grandma!

A happy Aunt C!

Talking to D on the phone in the recovery room...I was able to be in touch with him throughout the whole weekend and several times before the decision for the c/section came and then during my whole time in the recovery room. :-) So he was "there" the first time I held our son.

Finally relaxed and snuggling! I can't post the pictures of me holding T for the first time because they all involve me trying to breastfeed for the first time and frankly, I consider those private! Plus I'm super puffy from all the fluids I had during the surgery... ;-)
A tired Uncle G...

I will explain my sweet baby's bruises: T was trying to come out in an abnormal presentation; basically face first so his neck was bent in a dangerous position. This explained why I wasn't dialating even though I was technically in "active" labor for two days. I made it to 6 cm by the time a doctor realized something was up and it was an hour later when my contractions were every minute and pretty intense (though I couldn't feel it thanks to the fabulous epideral!) literally right before they would have had me start pushing that the decision for a c/section was made. I will always be grateful to Dr. M, the doctor who was honest with me and probably saved my son's life or at the least kept him from possibly having brain damage and me from having a more intense "emergency" c/section.