T's second month found us welcoming some of my family to San Diego. I was very excited that my cousin C decided to come to SoCal for her birthday as an "excuse" to see me and meet T! My Aunt stayed with me at the house while C and her family enjoyed the new "hotel" on base. She even got to see one of California's beautiful sunsets from her hotel room window. It was an exciting week and I learned that while you can do many things with a 6 week old, some of them should be avoided during the hot SoCal summers (such as Sea World, Zoo, Wild Animal Park, etc!! Nursing and sweltering sun just don't go well together!) But it was fun nonetheless AND I lost about 10lbs that week (ok, maybe it was more like 7lbs but I'm completely serious, all that walking paid off for me!)
I had my 6 week post partum appointment and everything checked out so I was given the green light for exercise. Little did the doc know I was already walking regularly and using my Wii Fit as of week 4 but I definitely picked up the pace once I got the "official" okay. I was well on my way to achieving my goal of "pre pregnancy" weight by D's return date.
T and I were still working on the nursing, but I was definitely feeling more confident and comfortable with the process itself. Overal it was a month of slowly finding a routine for ourselves...little did I know that "finding a routine" with a baby would be an ever changing thing!
Here are some pictures from "Month 2"...

Looking adorable in his bathrobe from my friend H! I think he kind of looks like a boxer getting ready to go out ...only, he's a really happy looking boxer!
Look how strong my neck is already!

...and I'm pooped! Enough neck exercise for me, Mom.

Luna: "You're taking all the comfortable spots on Mom...and the floor."
T: "I'm here to stay, furry creature, this is my blanket."

"I might be stinky but I'm so darn cute you love me anyway!"

Snuggling with Mommy. :-)

First trip to the Animal Park (He slept most of the day...)

My cousin with T and her two wonderful children.
Me and T out to eat for my cousin's birthday.
(His diaper is not full, the outfit was just a little big on him!)
We did take some pictures at Sea World but a certain cousin of mine hasn't emailed them to me yet... ;-) so I'll update this post once I get them...
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