Now on to the more exciting happenings of the last few weeks:
As you all know from my last post, I was in Virginia visiting D's family and getting ready for C&G's wedding. C and I took a break from wedding stuff to go meet their new family addition, Maggie...
Big surprise, D received a text after this visit asking if I could bring a Dalmation puppy home with us...response = "No." It was a joke, honest! Aside from getting kicked out of base housing, I think I'll have my hands full with Luna, Boo and a new baby.
Big surprise, D received a text after this visit asking if I could bring a Dalmation puppy home with us...response = "No." It was a joke, honest! Aside from getting kicked out of base housing, I think I'll have my hands full with Luna, Boo and a new baby.
Then G invited me to come visit his firehouse and I got to have fun (like a kindergartner!) with some fireperson equipment:
After a busy week running errands and getting the small details taken care of, C and her wedding party had a much needed spa day at Elizabeth Arden the day before the wedding. Because I'm preggers they wouldn't give me the leg massage that came with my pedicure package but instead gave me a complimentary parafam treatment...I think it's some kind of hot wax type thing. Whatever it is, it felt wonderful and I could have easily fallen asleep during my manicure and pedicure.
Despite a few directional issues between the church and the reception and the reception and back to Springfield, the day itself was as perfect as could be for G & C and we were so happy to be a part of their very special day!
We left Virginia the next evening and got super lucky that G&C were seated in the row directly behind us for the first flight! That was great considering the second flight I think G, C and I all slept and D stayed awake since his "awesome first row seating" was actually not that awesome in that the arm rests didn't come up. He was happy with the extra leg room though.
Before they took off for their Temecula vineyard/resort getaway, D took them to the squadron and showed them around a couple CH-46s:
We took a day trip to Sea World sans D who had to work, but still had a blast in an almost empty park. Note: best time to go to Sea World and not deal with crowds? January during the week.
Kids' meals and Beer...what do you mean that doesn't go together?? C and I were nice enough to help G out and get him 4 more free beer samples than the two he was allowed. We also went to the Beer Tasting after this where G score even more free beer (albeit 4ounces at a time) since C doesn't drink any and I obviously could do little more than sip politely as the person bringing us the beer commented on what each sample was. G was a very happy camper for the rest of our time at Sea World!
Let's see, next came the 80's themed squadron hosted party. I was supposed to be decked out in a flight suit styled for the 80's but with being out of town and not getting the flight suit at the begining of the week, C and I did our own thing:
A day to the outlets for C and I produced quite a shocking picture for G...
D needed to go talk to a guy downtown San Diego about a tall ship as a possible location for a squadron event...we got to tag along and check out the tall ships!
Overal it was so much fun having them come visit after the wedding and getting to spend some time with them without all the demands of being at Place A at such and such time. :-) We're excited about our upcoming trip back to VA next month for a longer stay than this time around. It's been a busy few weeks and I think after a day and a half of almost pure resting, my body is finally recovering. (Though, I'm sure I'm not feeling half as bad as C and G who had to be at work today after traveling all day! Ouch!)
On a completely side note from our adventures the last few weeks: it's always interesting to be at or a part of a wedding ever since getting married. I always take a few minutes to look at and reflect on my marriage and relationship with D. We're not perfect, but no one is. We both make mistakes on occassion, but these last few months especially, after discovering I was pregnant, I've learned that despite all his flaws, he's always there when I need him. Whether it's standing outside the bathroom with a glass of water waiting for me to finish vomitting, patting my back for an hour before bed while I belch uncontrolably (that was quite the romantic night, let me tell ya!) or just knowing when to take the baby book away from me when I've read too much for my own peace of mind. I can't imagine spending my life or starting a family with anyone else. We won't be perfect parents, and we're both (okay, maybe more him) have a lot of growing up to do in the process, but we'll get through it all - together.
Whew! Ok so this was a long post...I thank anyone who actually took the time to read it all!
Whew! Ok so this was a long post...I thank anyone who actually took the time to read it all!
I read it all! Sounds like you've been busy!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! I can't wait to see you when you're back. And C was SO beautiful. I can't wait until she puts up some pictures.