Our life is a roller coaster ride: full of ups and downs; exciting and unexpected turns some times surprise us but so far it's been one awesome ride and neither of us is getting off any time soon!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
So proud...
My friend and neighbor H sent me a text a couple days ago about taking part in a garage sale this Saturday. I knew we had a few things we were going to post on the base's "yard sale website" so I decided to go through the house and collect old clothes, books, purses and other miscellaneous items to try and sell. The garage sale is still 3 days away and all the purses are priced and in a pile; the clothes are in a pile ready to be priced, and I started sorting through the books. I'm so proud of myself for being on top of things AND for taking part in the first place!
I've also sent D two letters already and tomorrow I've got to go pick up some items to go into the first package I'm sending out later this week. ANNND he called me Sunday evening and it was wonderful! :-) It was good that I was getting ready to go grab some chinese food with a friend because otherwise I might have gotten a little sad after we hung up.
Oh and I decided to take my brother A and sister in law S up on their invite to visit in Washington. I found an awesome priced ticket from LAX to Seatle so I've got a little weekend trip planned for mid April.
And, as if I hadn't already gotten enough planned out, I finalized plans with my brother M on our scheme to surprise and get my sis in law BL out in May for my baby shower and birthday!!! I finally told her today and after being completely stunned and now a little nervous about flying alone, I'm pretty sure she's excited about spending a week in California!
So I think I've set myself up pretty well to keep busy for the next couple months at least and hopefully time will slip by!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Taking deep breaths and getting off the couch...
Speaking of pups...those two gave me quite the afternoon on Friday. I came home from the squadron and farewell planning to curl up in bed with the both of them and have a good cry. Luna, it seems, is having some stomache issues and Boo decided to rip the stuffing out of their kennel bed so I had quite the lovely mess waiting for me! Such stinkers!! But they were generally well behaved the rest of the weekend, considering I didn't do much with them...oh right, I bribed them with raw hides and lots of treats! ;-)
Anyway, my sulky time is up and now I need to start getting things done around the house. Tomorrow I have some "deployment business" to take care of and then in the afternoon I have my 24 week prenatal check.
So it's back to the real world and off the couch for me!
Friday, March 27, 2009
S saw D doing this and told him to do something cute with the belly...he did this:

He's playing drums. :-) I miss him so much already...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
We all find our own way to deal with stress; this is mine...

There's just something about diving into Harry's magical world that I can completely escape to and forget what reality is facing me...
I started re-reading them about 3 days before we took off to Virginia. Finished the first one on the plane and started the second. Finished that one while in VA and since we've been home I've made it through books 3 and 4 and now I'm half way through book 5. At first I was only reading them at night so that I could fall asleep thinking about what I knew came next for Harry rather than what I knew was coming in the next couple weeks for me. Now that I'm so close to having to just deal with what's coming for me, I'm reading them more and more during the day, as well as night, when D's at work...so I don't have to walk around the house seeing his bags slowly getting more packed and realizing how quiet the house is going to be without him rough-housing with Boo every night, or laughing with me over something silly on TV or listening to his crazy music and videos on YouTube.
It's not as though I haven't known this moment of seperation was coming for a very long time now. I thought I was prepared. No, I knew I was prepared. Then I became pregnant. NOTHING could have prepared me for dealing with a long seperation AND him not being there for the birth of our first child...NOTHING. Will I get through it? Of course. Will I be all alone? Of course not. But it doesn't matter whether I'll get through it or not, whether I know that deep down I do have the emotional strength to get over the disappointment of him missing that moment, and that I can get passed the fear I know I'll have that only D can squelch out of me with some retarded joke or simple touch. He still won't be there, and nothing can change that fact.
I suppose it's for these reasons that I've been removing myself from reality and into the world of Harry Potter. If I face that this deployment is here and now, then I have to face that he won't be here then...
Lake O'Neil

Fun with G&C!
At the Oyster Roast, L, my MIL, made this fabulously delicious strawberry/banana dessert...C tried to hog it all!
Just kidding! After this picture, she probably dished out some more for me since I couldn't get enough of the yummy goodness!
G came over to help D set up his Dad's birthday gift - and by set up, I mean get it into the house!
C and I got a little shopping spree to DSW in where we bought a pair of matching sandals...we're not dorks - they were Coach and we both LOVED them, so we got them regardless of what our hubbies would say! 0:-)
One of the days G was hanging out with D, he found a clip in a magazine that he couldn't resist cutting out for me...then the two guys insisted I tape it to my belly:
At dinner later that evening, D pondered this question:
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Virginia, Part 2
We couldn't do a whole lot after the snow came because it was so cold and obviously not the greatest conditions outside to drive. But we did manage another day of exploring and ended up in Fredericksburg so I could get some Sonic Drive-In and then to Montecello; where I'd never been as well!
Virginia, Part 1
I had made it clear to D that this trip was all about him since this was his time before he deploys. But somehow I got lucky and ended up seeing a few relatives I haven't seen in a few years and a Charleston friend who happened to be in DC for business!
My good friend K, also known as my "co-spouse" :-) I got to see her the night before she flew back to Charleston, what luck!!
Me, my aunt E, and second cousins S, V and O
My aunt E actually lives in Summerville now with another cousin of mine (her daughter) but happened to be visiting her grandchildren (from her other daughter) who all live in Maryland, about an hour from D's family. D had planned a day with G so I hopped on 95 North and took advantage of the opportunity!
And because she loves and misses me so much, my cousin C, who is genetically practically my sister (our dads were brothers and our moms are sisters...you do the genetics on that!) Anyway, she drove down from Long Island, NY with my aunt N and goddaughter G...just to see me and meet D finally! The made it in time to be at the 3D/4D ultrasound that we had and were able to hang out for a full day before heading back to NY. Everyone loved G and the energy she brought into the house; she loved D's sisters old ballet costumes, being the budding ballerina that she is! D thought my extended family were pretty awesome and nice and they, likewise thought he was pretty cool and his family very welcoming...because they are!!
Aunt N, G, me, and C
I was so excited to have gotten to see some of my family while out on the East coast! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that some of them will make it out this way sometime this year, or at least before we move. I mean, come on, even if you don't come to just see my happy face, think of all the attractions around me?! Ha ha ha, you think I mean Disney Land, Sea World, Legoland and the San Diego Zoo...I'm totally referring to Baby T!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I promise!
Someone hold me to this...