At the Oyster Roast, L, my MIL, made this fabulously delicious strawberry/banana dessert...C tried to hog it all!
Just kidding! After this picture, she probably dished out some more for me since I couldn't get enough of the yummy goodness!
G came over to help D set up his Dad's birthday gift - and by set up, I mean get it into the house!
C and I got a little shopping spree to DSW in where we bought a pair of matching sandals...we're not dorks - they were Coach and we both LOVED them, so we got them regardless of what our hubbies would say! 0:-)
One of the days G was hanging out with D, he found a clip in a magazine that he couldn't resist cutting out for me...then the two guys insisted I tape it to my belly:
At dinner later that evening, D pondered this question:
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