Unfortunately we had a lot of the "May Grey" going on so there weren't any fantastic California beach days, despite it being sunny at my house the whole week!
Gardens at Stone Brewery for my Birthday lunch with S.
Okay so I was trying to plan for us to go see a taping of "America's Got Talent" but unfortunately that fell through. So on the spur of the moment I decided that despite BL and I both being pregnant we should go to Disneyland. This year the Disney parks are having free admission on your birthday so I registered and got my "free" ticket and then went to ITT to pick up BL's ticket. Perfecto, two for the price of one basically! I figured, even if we can't go on the "big" rides, there are plenty of smaller rides and neither of us has ever been to DisneyLAND and if BL is able to make it out to Cali again, it'll be with my brother and the kiddos and Disneyland would be a completely different kind of experience for her (and for me, since I'd have a kiddo too!) So we went...and it was fantastic fun!!
We went on just about every "small" ride the park had. But there was one in particular I absolutely couldn't miss, not for all the swelling or braxton hicks contractions in the world!
It's a Small World!
I think as a whole it was a pretty relaxed week with BL. Other than DisneyLand, my shower and a party, we just hung out: went shopping, saw a movie and just caught up on a bunch of talking. Part of what I miss most about being so far away from my family is being able to just hang out. I'm glad BL made the trip out here and that my bro was able to work everything out with some of his awesome friends to help with the girls. It really made my Birthday "week" a fabulous one considering D is gone.
I can't wait until we're able to see eachother again since we'll both have new additions to our families!
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