Thursday, June 25, 2009

Luna and T updates...

Luna - bloodwork came back and she can't safely undergo surgery, just like I kind of thought. So I can stop feeling guilty about not being able to afford it and debating whether we'd have it done even if we could afford it. So for the meantime we're going to keep her on anti-inflamatory meds to help with swelling and hope that nature helps her little knees grow some scar tissue that will actually aid in her ability to walk as normal as she possibly could. The vet would still like to address her heartworm issue, but at least is understanding that 1. can't really do that expense either at the moment and 2. even if we could life is going to be too hectic over the next couple months and heartworm treatment requires an animal to be completely immobile for several weeks. Depending on the treatment cost, it may be possible once life settles down into a "routine" of sorts. But in the mean time, we'll just continue to give her Heartguard and hope for the best. She seems to be as happy as she's ever been since I've been paying her even more attention than she normally gets. :-) Not to mention all the extra treats so I can hide her meds in them.

Baby T - I went in for my 36 week appointment on Tuesday and T is just about as head down as he could possibly get without making his grand entrance! I was pretty excited to be able to relay that news to D and nervous since this means that we're really hitting the home stretch now!! I keep having discussions with him about timing...any time after July 16th is okay with me. We'll see how well he "obeys" mommy's first request of him!

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